Fr. Albert Lenon, sdb greeted me Happy New Year from Vanimo with a question what resolution I made for 2009. Ahhh...priests! They are always a part of my life. When I was in elementary, they -the Salesians - were there as our confessor, chaplain and parish priests. Same went with high school being in an all-girl-school. I did my uni at Adamson University run by Vincentian priests, worked as a missionary with the priests...Wait, what should I tell him? I felt like a highschool student being asked to write an essay with the theme "My New Year's Resolution". I have to work one out very fast...Hmmmm... Ok, my new year's resolution is to give more support to the church. That will make him happy!
God must have heard me and wanted me to deliver. *Great!* :) Few days after the festive holidays, I received a call cum email from him- Fr. Albert. He was asking for assistance to purchase items from Lae. I acted like an agent to him. Got all his stuff and shipped them all up to him. Done! I forgot, it is a new year's resolution, I am to expect more of this. And yes now they started coming. Priests from Mt. Hagen came knocking. I had to bring them to Brian Bell, buy their stuff at my discounted price. Seeing the big boss around, I asked for more discount and he was so generous to lower down the price of the item the priests badly needed. Another one down but then I mentioned to Fr. Rey about the computers we donated to one of the schools. He asked if He can request for one unit. I saw Thor - our DIK officer in charge -that very minute. I spoke to him about it and said 7 computers will be requested for them. WOW!!! Getting better!!! I know I should be expecting for more. Again, I see this as an opportunity. An opportunity to be of help to the needy especially to the desciples of God. If I told you in my earlier blogs, "beware with what you wish for", i have now to add, "beware in formulating your new year's resolutions. "
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