Thursday, October 22, 2015

What Belongs to Me

I read from the Bible, “Everything that is on earth belongs to Him.”

So what belongs to me? I have a house and apartment in the Phils, houses in PNG, cars, and businesses.  But according to this, they are not mine.  They all belong to God. What belongs to me then? What belongs to me is the opportunity to enjoy what is God's and be accountable for not making good use of the blessings and gifts He is giving me in this lifetime.

Lord, please always remind me that I have the responsibility to develop what you have assigned to me.  Please show me the correct way to improve things and conditions by starting the enhancement within me.  Please forgive all my faults.  Forgive all my wrongdoings and help me start anew with the purpose of giving back to you all that you have put under my care.  Please, guide, guard and protect me all the days of  my life. Amen.

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