After I have read (21/10/15) the message
from the Bible that says “Everything that is on earth belongs to Him” I start
to see things differently. I feel
differently for everybody. All I have is
not mine. It is just a borrowed thing
from God. It made me feel FREE. Free to
lose anything because they are not originally mine. I can give, I can share without any feelings
of losing anything at all. And I felt
I tried to apply this perception on the
game of CashFlow 101. I was not scared
at all to donate, not scared at all to buy, not scared at all to sell. Because these are not mine and I know that
the Lord will not allow whatever I do, my transactions to fail because all
these are His. I am just His instrument
to develop and enrich His belongings, to share what is His through the
decisions I make. And for the first time
I won in this game with almost perfect score.
Thank you, Lord, for letting me know that I
am just an instrument. Thank you, Lord,
for this wisdom. Amen.
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