Saturday, June 22, 2019

Plastic Carnation Flowers

When there is a special occasion guys romantically send flowers to their partners.  Most are red roses, orchids, daisies, now even sunflowers.  And the ladies feel so important, so loved.  How'd you feel if you received fake flowers instead?

It was my birthday years ago and my other half was in Port Moresby.  He was scheduled to come home to Lae but told me he wanted to extend his stay for few more days.  I was disappointed.  He forgot it was my birthday.  When the POM branch manager found out he was staying back, he convinced him that he had to go back.  He was reminded of the date. So I was surprised to see him in Lae that evening for dinner.  He greeted me and handed me a tiny box.  Inside were beautiful gold earrings with rose design.  He also gave me a fake pink carnation inside a plastic transparent box.  I gathered it was too late for him to get real, fresh flowers and just settled for the fake ones. At least he did not come empty handed.  I kept all these... even the fake carnations which sat on my office from the day I received it.

In 2016 when I was packing my things from my PC2000 office, I saw those carnations.  My husband that time was already gone for 9 years and the memory of that birthday just flashed back - my reaction when he was dropped off by the bus, my excitement when he gave me the box of earring,  I felt loved.  And I was looking at the fake flowers.  It didn't wither.  It stayed 'til the present.  It is not bad at all to receive fake flowers then. In fact it is one of the best things that one can ever receive for as long as the memory preserved with it will make you smile again.